1st international CAM Conference
The 1st CAM Conference was held via zoom at 07./08.02.2022 with over 300 participants from 36 countries.
It was accepted as a COST training school to teach newcomers in this technique and its enormous potential for different applications, not only in cancer research.
We had a tough time shedule with key notes, educational sessions and research talks over two full days.
A highlight was the plenary session with Dr. Gribaldo from the European Commission JRC with the topic "Innovative strategies in biomedical research: human based models".
The main topics were:
- CAM and angiogenesis (12 talks) The CAM as a modelforthestudy of angiogenesis
- Tumor biology (16 talks) Whatdoesthe CAM xenografttellusaboutcancerfeatures
- CAM and immuno-oncology (4 talks) The chickenembryo – an immuno-competentmodelfor IO basedscreening
- CAM model and tumor heterogeneity (6 talks) Modeling tumorheterogeneity in the CAM model
- CAM model and imaging (11 talks) The CAM model and imaging
- ex ovo and special applications (6 talks) Once you go ex ovo with your eggs, you never go back
A Special Issue in Cancers has been anounced as a result of this conference "The Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM) Model – Traditional and State-of–the Art Applications: The 1st International CAM Conference"

We have to thank the following sponsors: