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2nd International CAM Conference

2nd International CAM conference

The Chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model is a robust and cost effective alternative in vivo system. It has an enormous potential of applications, exemplarily it can serve as a bioreactor for culturing tumor cells, be a system for safety testing of novel therapeutic compounds or for studying damaging effects of biomaterials or for imaging purposes etc.

Motivated by the big success of the first online International CAM conference in February 2022 with more than 350 participants of 36 countries we will meet for the follow-up conference in Erlangen. Here we will have the unique possibility to exchange our knowledge, to find new collaboration partners and finally to reach a higher standardization and acceptance of the CAM model.

You can expect an exciting and highly informative conference targeting all different aspects of the CAM in vivo model.

We are looking for meeting you in Erlangen, a cosmopolitan city in the heart of Bavaria, Germany.

Prof. Regine Schneider-Stock
on behalf of the committee


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Regine Schneider-Stock, Head of Experimental Tumorpathology, University Hospital Erlangen, Institute of Pathology, Experimental Tumorpathology, Erlangen, Germany, Mail, Homepage

Prof. Dr. Dagmar Fischer, Chair of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Erlangen, Germany, Mail, Homepage

Prof. Dr. med. Georg Flügen, Consultant Surgeon / workgroup leader, University Hospital Duesseldorf, Department of General, Visceral and Pediatric, Duesseldorf, Germany,  Mail, Homepage

Priv.Doz.Dr. Nassim Ghaffari-Tabrizi-Wizsy, Head of the CAM Lab, Medical University of Graz, Otto Loewi Research Center – Immunologie, Graz, Austria, Mail, Homepage

Dr. rer. nat. Julia Greiser, Radiopharmacist, University Hospital Jena, Clinic of Nuclear Medicine, Translational Nuclear Medicine and Radiopharmacy, Jena, Germany, Mail, Homepage

Prof. Dr. Ruby Yun-Ju Huang, Professor, National Taiwan University, College of Medicine / School of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan,  Mail, Homepage

Marta Teixeira Pinto, PhD, Head of i3s In vivo CAM Assays Scientific Platform, University of Oporto, i3S- Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (Institute for Investigation and Innovation in Health), Oporto, Portugal, Mail, Homepage

Prof. Dr. Domenico Ribatti, Prof. of Human Anatomy, University of Bari Medical School Bari, Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Neourosciences and Sensory Organs, Bari, Italy, Mail, Homepage 

Dr. Xavier Rousset, R&D Team Leader, INOVOTION, R1D, La Tronche, France, Mail, Homepage

CAM CON Orga Team

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Regine Schneider-Stock, Sandra Bayer & Daniela Thalheim MSc.
Mail CAM CON Orga Team, Phone: +49-9131-85-36073


The CAM CON team will support you on site.


Find here our program:

Plenary sessions and major topics

Plenary sessions and major topics will be:

  • Imaging
  • Cancer Research
  • Angiogenesis and Biomaterials
  • Pitfalls Lecture
  • Hands on Training
  • 3R Network Centres
  • Round Table Discussions - Q+As
  • Symposium by INOVOTION
  • Poster Presentation and Poster Prize


  • Prof. Guojun Sheng, Kumamoto University, Japan
    Prof. Sheng uses the avian animal model and studies cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating cell fate changes during early embryonic development.
    His research focuses on the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) process during mesoderm and early cardiovascular/hematopoietic system formation.


Registration fee for Monday & Tuesday:
16. Aug. - 15. Sep. 2023: Early Bird 100,00 EUR
16. Sep. - 10. Jan. 2024: Regular 140,00 EUR

Additional we offer a "Get together" on Monday evening for 20,00 EUR with food and drinks.


Please note, that the abstract deadline is on 12. November 2023.
Oral presentations and posters are welcome. Abstracts will be available on a conference USB stick.

All details and template you will get after your registration.


We are happy to have our conference in the beautiful Kreuz+Quer.

Address: Kreuz+Quer, Bohlenplatz 1, 91054 Erlangen, Germany



We made pre reservations for our participants. Please use the code "CAM CON" for booking your accomodation to get the reduced price.
The reservation with code is possible by phone or by e-mail.

Quality Hotel Erlangen
Bayreuther Strasse 53, 91054 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 8760
Homepage: https://www.choicehotels.com/de-de/germany/erlangen/quality-inn-hotels

Zeitwohnhaus Suite-Hotel + Serviced Apartments
Luitpoldstraße 10, 91054 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 5303940
Homepage: https://www.zeitwohnhaus.de/


If you want to support our work, please contact our organization team.

So far we have to thank the following sponsors: