CAM Newsletter 03/2024
Dear all,
our 2nd International CAM Conference is over. In the impressive conference hall, the Kreuz+Quer in Erlangen, students and experts from diverse fields of CAM model applications met and discussed their most recent discoveries.
There were many highlights such as the musical opening by Yile Huang, the key note of Professor Guojun Sheng, the panel discussion with CEO of Inovotion, Dr. Jean Viallet, the public relation ambassador of the European Animal Research Association (EARA), Dr. Nuno Goncalves, Prof. Guojun Sheng and Prof. Regine Schneider-Stock, the Hands-on-training or the trouble shooting session. We were delighted that Inovotion organized a half-day mini-symposium about immuno-oncological applications for the CAM model.
The plenary lectures, the oral presentations and especially the very well attended poster session underscored the multidisciplinary nature of this CAM conference and offered a great chance to exchange ideas and to explore potential collaborations.
Best wishes
Yours Regine Schneider-Stock
Experimental Tumorpathology Erlangen
Here are major facts about the 2nd CAM Conference (05./06. February 2024 in Erlangen).
CAM Faces
We will introduce regularly a panel of 4 researchers that have significantly contributed in the field of the CAM model. The question catalogue also includes a few details about the specific personality of the person. If we have awaken your interest.
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Foundation CAM SciNet
On 7th February 2024 was the foundation meeting in Erlangen.
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Poster Prizes at 2nd CAM Conference
Here are a few interesting details about our poster prize winners.
Save the date
3nd International CAM conference 2026
In Porto (Portugal) or Liverpool (UK)